Our new product line is about to launch on the site, so here is an introduction post on what it's going to be!
To start, what exactly is Itasha? Literal translation from japanese 痛車 means 'painful car'. To explain better - it's a car decorated with images of fictional characters from anime, manga, or video games. These characters are most often cute female characters, but it's not strictly limited to that. The 'painful' aspect is often used in otaku culture. It's overdecorating to the point that it becomes painful to look at!
We are gonna stray away from the 'painful' image and provide more clean and fresh designs of your favorite characters! Here are some preview images of the designs that we've been working on so far. We've been teasing this release for the past week on our
instagram account too:

Super Sonico - a true mascot character perfect for itasha designs!

Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagan.

Nico Yazawa from Love Live! Would you like to see a full Love Live collection?

..And last, but not least - the Neon Genesis Evangelion main trio! Rei, Asuka and Shinji!
So here it is! These designs are going to be ready to order, but you can also write us a message and order a custom design and we will make it from scratch according to your wishes! ☆