Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Customization for BMW -

We recently received a request for a custom design. The customer wanted our newest product - Scratched Martini Racing Stripes to be adapted for their BMW

In our previous post, where we introduced the product, we mentioned that there is a plan to expand this idea by applying the scratched look to our other existing products.

This custom design is not exactly that yet, but it's an example and a demonstration that we can make anything possible:

Custom Scratched Martini Racing Stripes on BMW

As you can see, the end result turned out great!

By removing the iconic MARTINI logo and turning the sticker to grayscale, these racing stripes transformed to a completely different design!

Custom Scratched Martini Racing Stripes on BMW Outside

Custom Scratched Martini Racing Stripes on BMW Outside

That is all for this time!

Don't forget that our team is open to ALL ideas, so contact us if you want a custom design for your own vehicle!