Martini decals have always been the most popular products on our store, so recently we have been focusing more on expanding that collection. In this post we would like to run through our newest additions to it - Retro Martini racing stripes.
Martini's sponsorship program for racing teams began in 1958 as Martini International Club, founded by Count Metello Rossi di Montelera. At the time their racing cars had no Martini stickers or logos on them, but at the start of 1968, advertising unrelated to racing was permitted for the first time on the bodywork of racing cars. And so Martini stickers first appeared on the Porsche 910 raced by Scuderia Lufthansa Racing Team in April 1968!

The first Martini stickers, besides the logo, looked nothing like they do today. Nowadays, a Martini racing car look consists of the iconic Martini logo with distinctive dark blue, light blue and red stripes on white or silver body cars.

Now we finally have Martini products that fit Retro Porsche models too! More specifically Porsche 911 Carrera (930) and Porsche 964 Carrera.
First, let's talk about Classic Martini Graphics for Porsche 911 Carrera (930). To start off, we had to make a precise template of the car shape.
After that, we scanned the template, and could start working on the actual design! We looked at many previous Martini Racing designs and then improved and adapted a couple of them to our template!

We also tested out the finished product on a real Retro Porsche, before making these graphics available for purchase online!

You can find many photos from this project on our Instagram here! There are multiple posts and a highlights section dedicated to Retro Martini graphic decals.
Wrapping these decals can be a challenging task for beginners, so we have also made a video of us applying these graphics that could be helpful!
Secondly, let's talk about Curved Martini Graphics for Porsche 964 Carrera. The process was the same as previously described - we created a precise car body template, then made accurate design files, worked out visualizations and finally tested out our work on real life Retro Porsche!
We also sell our regular Martini Racing Stripes for these beautiful classic Porsche models! Make sure to check them out!
Our team is always open for new ideas, so don't hesitate emailing us if you're interested in creating a custom design!